Ways to Give
Choose a Giving Option
Text the word “give” to 877-287-6517 and follow the easy steps!
You can give a one-time donation or set up recurring giving online through Tithely
You can send E-Transfers to info@ctbrandon.com.
E-Transfer is a fee-free way to give online.
To setup pre-authorized giving, download the form and email to info@ctbrandon.com, or send through mail. We’ll take care of the rest.
Learn More about Giving at CT
Here at CT, we believe giving is an expression of worship. Worship is retelling, reenacting and reflecting on God's Story. Have you ever noticed that scriptures in the Bible about money focus more on spiritual disciplines than they do on money? When we give, it helps us refocus our priorities and our relationship with God. If you want to learn more about what we believe about giving here at CT, Cleaning Up Mark Part 6 is an excellent teaching Pastor Michael gave on the topic. Watch it on YouTube
Individuals, families, groups and businesses who gave an eligible gift of $20 or more in a calendar year will automatically receive a tax receipt. Tax Receipts are available for pick up in early February each year. We will mail them out if we have your address on file and they have not been picked up after the first two weeks they are available.
We accept Debit, Credit, Cash or Cheques when you give in person at CT. Please remember to put your giving in an offering envelope with your name and contact information so we can ensure you get receipted for eligible donations. During our Sunday service, you can either put your envelope in the offering plate during service or drop it off at the giving station in the Main Lobby.
Please feel free to contact us with any questions about giving or anything else you are wondering about at CT.